Dr. Strauss provides the following services related to the investigative process:
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and U. S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) requires that employers and schools receiving a complaint, or otherwise learning of alleged discrimination and harassment to investigate promptly and thoroughly…take immediate and appropriate corrective action by doing whatever is necessary to end the harassment, change the discriminatory environment, and prevent the misconduct from recurring. That’s a tall order to ensure a just and fair handling of a discrimination or harassment complaint – an essential order that all schools and workplaces are required, by law, to follow.
Though there is no legal mandate to investigate complaints of bullying, all organizations should do so. Investigations determine if the misconduct occurred, whether it was against the organization’s policies, and provides an opportunity for the organization to respond to stop the discrimination, harassment or bullying, remedy the situation, and implement further strategies to prevent retaliation.
The investigation process is, perhaps, the most critical element in dealing with discrimination, harassment, and bullying. In cases that have gone to court it is often due to inadequate or absent investigations of complaints.
Though there is no legal mandate to investigate complaints of bullying, all organizations should do so. Investigations determine if the misconduct occurred, whether it was against the organization’s policies, and provides an opportunity for the organization to respond to stop the discrimination, harassment or bullying, remedy the situation, and implement further strategies to prevent retaliation.
The investigation process is, perhaps, the most critical element in dealing with discrimination, harassment, and bullying. In cases that have gone to court it is often due to inadequate or absent investigations of complaints.